Ski responsibility group to hold safety summit in Frisco on Tuesday

The Alliance for Skiers and Riders Responsibility will be holding a safety summit at the Summit County Community and Senior Center on Tuesday, hoping to draw local skiers and snowboarders to discuss safety concerns on the slopes.

The group — formed in March 2018 following a major collision involving founder Katherine Jeter — will lead a discussion on whether or not skiers and boarders in Summit County feel like they’re in danger while at resorts, along with potential solutions.

“One of the things we really want to look at is do people feel like they’re in danger or not,” said Jeter. “It’s important to hear from the public what their concerns are, what they feel their responsibilities are and what they feel are the resorts’ responsibilities to keep them safe.”

Jeter noted that the meeting would be geared toward gauging the perceived level of risk among skiers in the county in an open dialogue between panelists and members of the public.

The summit will run from 5:30–7 p.m. in the Loveland Room of the Summit County Community and Senior Center in Frisco.

via:: Summit Daily