Summit Daily letters: Energy pipe dreams

Energy pipe dreams
RE: Summit applauds Xcel switch (Summit Daily News, Dec. 7)
I see Summit Daily News finally got it right with their two headlines: The headline “Summit applauds Xcel switch” was immediately followed with the headline “PIPE DREAMS.” How appropriate.
But unlike Summit County, Xcel is hedging their bets because their engineers know that 100% renewable energy for the county is just that, a pipe dream. Why? Because private companies have to consider something governments never do: cost.
Summit’s work force has enough of a problem paying for our sky-high housing costs, so now we will be increasing their energy costs, too. The cost, predictably, will fall inordinately on the poorer of our populace. It is no wonder some in similar circumstances call their energy bills “second rent.” Germany almost went broke attempting to go to 100% renewable energy because the populace started moving out due to the added cost. They are now back to building coal-fired power plants. We recently saw what happened in Paris. California is experiencing the same problem now, where escalating cost and taxes to supposedly combat a questionable problem is causing an influx of Calimmigtants to flood Colorado.
Is this what our elected leaders want for Summit …read more

Via:: Summit Daily