Summit Daily letters: Lawrence is an able public servant, not a socialist

In his Jan. 30 letter to the editor, Kim McGahey attacked new Summit County Commissioner Elisabeth Lawrence, who is a perfectly lovely person with a good nature and a serious mind. She has served the citizens of Summit County ably on town council and through her work with the Summit Foundation. McGahey throws out the standard Republican tropes of calling her a “socialist” (think about our “socialist” police and fire departments, or our “socialist” roads, or our “socialist” public schools) and her potential for supporting what McGahey considers sky-is-falling policies (think of the debate over short-term rentals and how much you would like the party house of revolving frat brothers next door, or of eliminating single-use plastic bags that end up in landfills and across our landscape). Then he argues that Lawrence is an example of the need for term limits, apparently not understanding the irony that, um, Lawrence has moved to a different position at a different level of government. I have no doubt that McGahey would have written a similar unwarranted attack about any of the candidates, all of whom are capable, well-intentioned people. McGahey’s attitude is indicative of why so many centrists and moderates in Summit County and throughout Colorado have rejected the Republican Party outright.

Benjamin Rooking


Ski safety is good for business

I wanted to comment on your Jan. 30 story “Is resort skiing getting more dangerous? A new group thinks it’s time to do something about it.”

I have three kids in Summit schools. I will not take them to local ski areas any longer. The situation on green runs at our local ski areas has become truly dangerous.

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Resorts may want to have their yellow jackets and patrol crack down on skiers and riders that disregard slow zones. The real danger our kids face from out of control skiers and riders will keep customers from returning, affecting resort revenue and possible life-long customers negatively.

It’s a shame that we, and other families in Summit, have to drive 45-50 minutes south to feel safe on a ski hill.

Mark Collins


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