Summit Daily letters: Poltical discourse turns sour on national, local levels

Poltical discourse turns sour on national, local levels

Re: Kim McGahey’s Jan 31 letter, “Big government wins again in Summit County.”

I read Mr. McGahey’s recent letter regarding Elisabeth Lawrence’s recent appointment to the Board of County Commissioners with sadness, concern and, frankly, shock. His letter was filled with bitterness, sarcasm, viciousness and, yes, hate. This is a perfect example, on the grassroots level, of the terrible sickness that has befallen our great country in recent years.

Our political scene is almost totally disfunctional because we can’t seem to speak to one another in a spirit of the greater good, respect and compromise. There certainly is no need for the viciousness, sarcasm, and personal attack displayed in Mr. McGahey’s letter. We, as Americans, can certainly disagree respectfully over politics, personalities and anything else. That’s what free speech and being an American is all about.

I know Elisabeth. She is a charming, friendly person, one who is also very competent, intelligent, responsible and experienced. I think she’ll do an excellent job as a commissioner, but, if she does not, or if one simply doesn’t like her politics and perspectives for whatever reason, we can express our opinion of her in two years with our vote, not bitter letters to the editor. We can have respectful and polite conversations with her to impart other ideas to her. It needn’t include the invective of Mr. McGahey’s letter.

In conclusion, I think that, if I were a member of the Summit County Republicans (which I am not), I would be pretty upset by being included, by implication, in Mr. McGahey’s comments as chairman of the group.

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Traffic worsens across the county

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Put that garage out Airport Road and add free and frequent public transportation.

David Gray MD


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