Summit Daily letters: Wilderness polluted with plastics

Ban polystyrene to protect our wild spaces

I remember growing up in Colorado Springs, going camping and hiking regularly and loving the great outdoors. I remember sitting by campfires, watching the river flow with good friends and family. I still look forward to the times where I can escape to mountains and reconnect with nature. So it infuriates me to see the rivers, streams and lakes I love become polluted with useless plastics.

It is estimated that Americans throw away 70 million foam cups every year, and about one-third of this waste ends up in our waterways. Polystyrene, like foam cups and takeout containers, never biodegrades and is impossible to recycle, so it just poisons and kills our wildlife. Over 200 cities and municipalities have taken steps to protect their wildlife by banning polystyrene, so its time Colorado answers the call.

To protect our beautiful landscapes, we need to dramatically reduce our waste, and we can start by banning polystyrene here in Colorado.

Daniel Kay


via:: Summit Daily