The Geiger Counter: The sweet sounds of Shakespeare

What I’m Listening To

‘Strong Songs’ by Kirk Hamilton

I sadly don’t listen to as much music as I should. I gravitate toward podcasts when I work or drive because I won’t be tempted to accidentally type out lyrics to the beat and think conversation makes the trip go by faster.

Thankfully, I have Kirk Hamilton’s biweekly podcast “Strong Songs” to remind me how wonderful music can be. The former video game journalist returned to his sonic roots and when each episode drops I devote all energy to what he’s saying. Like a small, friendly lecture that delves into theory, definitions, trivia and more, I always learn something new while rocking out to a classic tune.

I recommend starting at the beginning, because there isn’t much of a backlog and he frequently references topics discussed in earlier segments. Additionally, the first three episodes come out, well, strong. They break down Toto’s “Africa,” Paul Simon’s “You Can Call Me Al,” — which taught me about its Chevy Chase music video — and Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies.”

But, my favorites are the mailbag episodes. Packed with information, Hamilton responds to listeners asking questions like “What instrument is making that strange noise in this song?” “Why are fugues fun to listen to?” and “Do you have stage fright advice?” It’s a great interactive aspect to the podcast and points out that engaging with music is like having a dialogue.

And, though there is no relation, Hamilton dedicates an episode to “Satisfied” from “Hamilton: An American Musical.” If you like his analysis of one of the best songs from one of the best musicals, I recommend checking out “The Room Where It’s Happening” podcast.

via:: Summit Daily