This week in history as reported by the Summit County Journal 100 years ago — Jan. 4, 1919
Ed Wilkinson and Billy Young expect to leave tomorrow for Galena Gulch where they will resume operation of a partially developed mine there.
At the time work was abandoned in this mine some two years ago, a tunnel had been driven to a depth of 430 feet and a quantity of good ore had been shipped from the mine.
J.G. Collins Charged with Looting Swans Nest of Furnishings
Charged with taking all of the household goods, furniture and clothing — except a dress suit — from Swans Nest, the summer home of B.S. Revette, J.G. Collins was placed under arrest last Monday and lodged in the county jail following investigations made by District Attorney Whatley.
Western Mining and Oil News
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The big Jessie property in Gold Run was the only large gold property in the Breckenridge district this year which operated its own mill on company account.
Lights Beautify Garden
The terrace in front of a large laundry has been beautified with a peculiarly beautiful sign which is the combined product of an electrician’s and gardener’s skill. Each letter is outlined is electric bulbs set in a sheet metal frame which is painted white on the inside to reflect the light.
In the letter enclosed by each metal letter geraniums have been planted. The sign is very beautiful by day and doubly so at night when the lights illuminate the flowers, according to Popular Mechanics Magazine. The electric bulbs are covered with ordinary jelly glasses to protect the flowers from the heat and the bulbs from the weather.
Operations Have Started on the Carbonate Mine
A force of men under the management of George Moon started for the Carbonate mine on Mt. Baldy this morning. It is the intention to commence operations in the present workings where some good ore was opened up last year and thus prove up the ore bodies.
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