This Week In History: Loveland Pass road to Silver Plume

This week in history as reported by the Summit County Journal 100 years ago — Jan. 25, 1919

The Loveland Pass road, which has been adopted by the state highway commission, and a profile of which was submitted to County Commissioner Lindstrom, is to connect with the Dillon-Montezuma road at Delker’s ranch and is to follow the old road on into Dillon where it connects with the Post road. From Loveland Pass, this road will connect at Silver Plume and continue to Georgetown where it will meet the Georgetown highway running into Denver and also to western points. Construction on the Loveland Pass road will begin in the near future but will probably not be completed until next summer. This will be the shortest route to Denver, the distance from Breckenridge being 83 miles, 32 miles nearer than the shortest route.

Reports of Influenza at Royal Tiger Camp False

That the reports that there was a considerable amount of illness at the Royal Tiger mining camp including some 14 cases of Spanish influenza are entirely without foundation is the report turned in by a physician who made a visit to that camp yesterday.

Gun emptied on Intended Victim in Kokomo Last Sunday; Perforates Coat

Jealousy is said to be the motive of a shooting affair in Kokomo last Sunday night when F.W. Williams sent five shots from a revolver in the general direction of Stanley Marklewitz with the result that the latter is wearing a small hole through his coattail.

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Marklewitz alleges that Williams had apparently been waiting for him behind a door of one of Kokomo’s business houses. He says that as he was entering this place of business, Williams came out onto the sidewalk and appeared up on him firing several shots in rapid succession. All but one of the shots went astray, the one shot passing thru Marklewitz’s coat on the left side.

Morning-Side Tunnel Leased to G.W. Morgan

The Morning-Side tunnel of the Quartz Moutal Summit group in the Cucumber Gulch section has been leased by R.J.A. Widmar, the owner, to G.W. Morgan and others who will commence work next week.

A surface discovery made late in November showed an assay of 3.5 ounces of gold and 5 ounces in silver per ton. The lessee proposes to drive a cross-cut to the ledge opened in November.

Ed Auge Finds 2-inch streak of $200 Gold

Ed Auge has opened a 2-inch wide streak of high grade gold ore in the tunnel driven in from the lower floor of the Brook-Snider Mill. Assay made on the ore show value of upwards of $200 in gold per ton. R.W. Foote is the owner of the property.

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via:: Summit Daily