Top 5 stories on, week of Dec. 9

Editor’s note: Stories in this list received the most page views on for the past week.

Social Calls are comments pulled from the Summit Daily’s website and Facebook page.

“A lot more than 100 units are needed. This will barely put a dent in the problem.” — Russell Epstein on “Breckenridge explores ‘Lego’ apartments as possible workforce housing solution”

“Is that Christmas 2019/2020 season…?” — Jason Fredericks on ”Copper Mountain looks to open American Flyer by Christmas”

“Having skied Wolf Creek several times I have mixed emotions about this. If I was younger I would be all for development. The possibilities for expanding the acreage are endless. Without a bigtime player, the mom & pops would never have the money to expand the possibilities. Being older now, the chance of me being able to ski the arears of expansion, and there is so much vertical to be had, are dwindling by the decade.” — Don Nechkash on “Colorado’s mom-and-pop ski areas are slipping away”

“Yep,someday soon you’ll barely be able to go snowshoeing for free anywhere..” — Jim Brandon on “Colorado’s mom-and-pop ski areas are slipping away”

“And we have 41% of modern age adults skipping free flu shots… ‘because’.” — John Westcott on “Mountain Town News: No mountain town was too isolated to avoid pandemic”

“This is the best location for a parking garage but by no means is it the end all answer to parking and traffic problems. This is just part of a solution to parking and congestion because whats missing is the lack of “Park & Ride” parking lots throughout the County to reduce the volume of cars going into Breckenridge and other towns. The Summit Stage mass transit system is great but it only serves the needs of pedestrians who can walk to a bus stop. “Park & Ride” lots are always part of any mass transit plan but not in Summit County so far and it needs to happen.” —Tom Clancy on “Breckenridge reaches an agreement with ski resort on parking garage”

“Did anyone else notice that Summit’s turnout rate was actually 5% BELOW the statewide average?” — Charles Heatherly on “It’s official: Colorado, Summit County saw record voting in 2018 election”

via:: Summit Daily