Workshops for annual composer competition begins this weekend

Young musical minds are invited to hone their compositional craft this weekend with the first in a series of four workshops. Under the direction of Summit Music and Arts’ artist in residence and artistic director Len Rhodes, musicians ages 10-18 can learn how to compose for performance in addition to solo instruments and small ensembles.

The first workshop is Saturday Feb. 16 from 2–4 p.m. at the Silverthorne Performing Arts Center, 460 Blue River Parkway. The proceeding workshops happen at the same time and place on March 2, 16 and 23. There is a one-time registration fee of $25 and students can attend any workshop they wish.

Then, on April 29 at Dillon Community Church, musicians and composers ages 7-18 from Clear Creek, Eagle, Grand, Lake Park, Routt and Summit counties can participate in the fifth annual Summit Music and Arts Young Composer Competition.

For more information on competition guidelines and on how to apply, visit

via:: Summit Daily