Ben Barlow On When We’ll Hear New Neck Deep Music: “Probably Sooner Rather Than Later”

“There’s a lot of ideas floating around, and there’s a lot of good stuff happening.” – Ben Barlow.

Work has started on the new Neck Deep album, and according to frontman Ben Barlow, we’ll be hearing new music from them “probably sooner rather than later”.

We caught up with Ben and West backstage at Slam Dunk to find out how work is going on new material, and Ben shared “We don’t want to force anything, we’ve kind of just been writing whatever we write. And whatever comes out is what we’re going with.”

He continued “We’ve got a lot of material already, and we’re nowhere near done. But there’s a lot of ideas floating around, and there’s a lot of good stuff happening.”

Speaking of their massive 2017 album ‘The Peace And The Panic’, Ben also shared “We’re not putting any pressure on ourselves, we’re just giving ourselves time. That was totally the whole context of it, because last time we wrote a great record, but it was done in a pressure cooker, and it had such a fine time constraint on it. So we were saying ‘let’s leave this one a lot more open’.”

And as for how far along the process is with the writing? “Some [ideas] are more developed than others – you’ll see probably sooner rather than later”.


Check out our interview below:

via:: Rock Sound News