Broadside Have Signed To Sharptone Records AND Released A New Song

A lot of big news coming out of the Broadside camp. 

Broadside have announced that they have signed with Sharptone Records. 

With the signing comes brand new music as well in the form of ‘Foolish Believer’.

Vocalist Oli Baxxter had this to say about the song:

“When I was 11 years old, I would sit on the edge of my bed and look at the cheap Walmart mirror hanging on the back of my bedroom door and pity the reflection. I realized at a young age I hated being alone even though I was incredibly good at it.

“Now, as an adult, I find myself chasing a dream that feels unattainable in hopes that I don’t have to see what I once did. I pay my own rent, I can afford a better mirror but the reflection still feels the same. I just want to be remembered. That’s the moral of the song.

“It’s selfish, to dream as much as I do but I’m sick of pretending I’m fine behind closed doors, I’m just not.”

Have a listen for yourself below:

The song is the first new music from the band since their double A-side ‘King Of Nothing/Empty’ which was released last year. 

Have a listen to those tunes right here:

via:: Rock Sound News