Check Out The First New Music From Chapel In Over Two Years

It’s nice to have Chapel back, isn’t it?

Slam Dunk Rock Sound Breakout Stage allums Chapel are back, and they’ve just dropped their first new music since the release of their debut EP ‘Sunday Brunch’ back in 2017.

‘Friends’ is a tribute to what it’s like trying to balance all facets of your life in your 20s, and how oftentimes friendships get put on the backburner. 

Speaking of the story behind ‘Friends’, Chapel’s Carter Hardin has shared “In your 20s, it’s easy to get caught up in the ambitions you have for your life… I realised I was making excuses and bailing on a lot of people, not holding up my end of relationships. ‘Friends’ is an apology, because at the end of the day, no dreams are worth having if you don’t have people there with you.” 

Check out Chapel’s brand new single ‘Friends’ below:

via:: Rock Sound News