Frank Iero On How Taxing Making New Music Is On Him: “I Don’t Know When My Tank Will Be Empty”

“For every record, there’s a part of me that says, ‘I can’t even imagine doing that again'” – Frank Iero.

Frank Iero is now on the third iteration of his band – this is the era of Frank Iero And The Future Violents. And he’s inside the Waterparks issue of Rock Sound, sharing all the details of their new album and the circumstances which lead up to it – pick up your copy worldwide from SHOP.ROCKSOUND.TV.

While writing music appears to come naturally to Frank Iero, it turns out that it’s more of a struggle than he’s ever really let on. 

Inside the current issue of Rock Sound, Frank shared that every time he finishes an album, he almost can’t imagine ever doing that again.

“For every record, there’s a part of me that says, ‘I can’t even imagine doing that again’,” Frank shared. “It’s so depleting. I do feel enriched by the ability to make records, and I love making records, but it is so taxing, and I’m so tired and spent at the end of it that I cannot fathom ever writing another song or another record. So I don’t know when my tank will be empty.”

Fingers crossed there a little more in the tank.

This is just a taste! Check out our full interview with Frank Iero inside the Waterparks issue of Rock Sound – it’s available right now, worldwide from SHOP.ROCKSOUND.TV

via:: Rock Sound News