Hear Rob Baird’s Heavy New Folk-Rock Song ‘Burning Blue’

Americana singer-songwriter Rob Baird reflects on mortality, heartbreak and bad decisions throughout his heavy new song “Burning Blue.” The track highlights his upcoming fourth LP, After All, out January 11th via Hard Luck Recording Company. 

“Room and a bed with a parking lot view/ Star-crossed souls without a clue,” Baird sings over acoustic strums and staccato strings. “We’re all just ashes floating through the night/ Holding on what’s left of sweet time,” he observes, building to a lengthy, lonesome slide-guitar solo. 

“This song relives most of the first months of the relationship while accepting that you can’t choose who you love,” Baird said in a statement. “It addresses the reasons that the whole thing happened and why I felt desperate in the first place. Hopefully while finding some beauty in the whole thing.”

Baird has a brief run of tour dates booked for December and early 2019. His next show is Friday, December 21st in Houston, Texas. 

Rob Baird – After All Track List 

1. “After All”
2. “Losing Hands”
3. “Devil Woman Blues”
4. “Give Me Back My Love”
5. “Greedy Eyes”
6. “Ain’t Going Back to You”
7. “I Tried”
8. “Burning Blue”
9. “Green Grass”
10. “Best That I Was”

via:: Rolling Stone