Jack Barakat Has Shared The Title And Theme Of WhoHurtYou’s Debut EP

And the EP is going to be an emotional handbook.

Up until now it’s been largely unclear what the long-term plan was for Jack Barakat’s new band WhoHurtYou, but now a little more about its future has been revealed.

Speaking to Rock Sound about his new musical project which he’s been using as a form of therapy, Jack shared that with bandmate and collaborator Kevin Fisher, WhoHurtYou are planning on releasing an EP.

“I think it’s important for us to take people on this journey of what we are calling ‘Stages’,” shared Jack. “The EP is going to be called ‘Stages’. It’s going to cover everything that you go through during a break-up: anger, guilt, jealousy, loneliness. It’s going to a special journey for people who are going through these things, and hopefully help them in the way that it has helped us.”

When asked if ‘Stages’ will take the form of an emotional handbook of sorts, to help others navigate the complicated landscape of an emotional break-up, Kevin responded “that’s bang on. We want it to be that for other people, because that’s what it was for us.”

Jack added “The cool thing is that our situations were different, so I think there is going to be a song for everyone on here. There are songs that show both sides of a break-up, and I think that’s important. Ultimately these aren’t just our stories – these are things that absolutely everybody has been through.”

As yet there’s no release date in sight for WhoHurtYou’s debut EP ‘Stages’. 

Check out our full chat with Jack and Kevin of WhoHurtYou here.

via:: Rock Sound News