Our Last Night Guitarist Matt Wentworth Releases Statement Following An Allegation Of Misconduct

The short statement was posted on Twitter.

Following an allegation of misconduct made against Our Last Night guitarist Matt Wentworth over the weekend, Matt has released a statement on social media denying all allegations.

You can read Matt’s statement in full below:
“The recent accusations toward me are ridiculous and 100% false. I have absolutely never done or said anything sexual or inappropriate to an underage person. The photos of me in the screenshot are old and were leaked to the internet long before the time of this accusation. I can not control where these images are posted or who they are sent to. In the past, we have been notified that someone was using these photos as catfish bait through Snapchat with the name “TrevorOLN”. We have provided our own image showing that other people were talking about getting cat-fished with these same photos the day before. We deeply apologise to the people who were sent these photos without consent. This is all of the information out there and we consider the case closed. Thank you to all of our fans for being patient in the last 24 hours while we were sorting this all out. We love you guys.”

Additionally, Matt shared screenshots illustrating that the photos in question had been circulating on social media for a number of years.

You can see Matt’s full statement and screenshots below:

via:: Rock Sound News