Ryan Seaman Has Posted A Statement Clarifying His Role In iDKHOW

“Just so there’s no confusion, I do feel very much a part of iDKHOW.” – Ryan Seaman.

Ryan Seaman has posted a statement to Twitter addressing his role within iDKHOW, following a tweet he posted and subsequently deleted earlier this week.

The tweet which he posted was addressing a publication referring to him as iDKHOW’s “touring drummer”, echoing the terminology used in a press release sent out by iDKHOW’s team about their new video for ‘Social Climb’. You can read Ryan’s full statement below:

“I need to address something to you all: I tweeted something yesterday, which I have since regretted. I am absolutely a member of the LIVE band – which I guess would make me in fact the touring drummer. iDKHOW is a HUGE part of my life, but is, and always has been, Dallon’s vision.

Although my input is needed at times in the band, he writes the songs, the lyrics and even designs most of the merchandise iDKHOW has put out.

There might be times where I go off and do my own thing while he is writing / designing / being a visionary, but then I’d come back to track drum parts in the studio or when there’s a tour.

Just so there’s no confusion, I do feel very much a part of iDKHOW. I’m not going anywhere and I love our fans, and am so proud of that! I love Dallon and playing shows for you guys very much!

I never really thought about it in this way before, and I am so grateful that all of you have jumped to my defence, we truly have the best fans and smartest in the world.

But if truth be told, and having had a chance to find out what happened: Basically, our own team sent out a press release for the ‘Social Climb’ video identifying me as ‘the tour drummer’. I’m the touring drummer, which the magazine which called me a ‘touring drummer’ was not wrong…

I am SO stoked with all the love on the ‘Social Climb’ video. That was such a fun video to shoot, I am glad you guys are enjoying. PS: 90k+ views and counting! Thanks for reading and see you on the road!”

Check out iDKHOW’s brand new video for ‘Social Climb’ below:

via:: Rock Sound News