Sum 41 Are Kicking It Back To 1969 In Their Brand New Video

We’re kickin’ it old school with Sum 41.

Sum 41 have just dropped a brand new single off their upcoming album ‘Order In Decline’ – which for the record, you can buy on cassette right now, exclusively from RECORDS.ROCKSOUND.TV

‘A Death In The Family’ is only the second single off ‘Order In Decline’ to be released so far – but it’s already shaping up to be a bit of a modern pop-punk classic. 

The video sees the lads in Sum 41 be transported back to 1969, and switch back to the modern day. The ’60s look quite good on Sum 41 to be fair. 

Check out the video for ‘A Death In The Family’ below:

There’s only one place on earth to get Sum 41’s ‘Order In Decline’ on cassette, and there’s only 500 copies in existence! Pick up your copy right now, worldwide from RECORDS.ROCKSOUND.TV

via:: Rock Sound News