Thursday’s Geoff Rickly On My Chemical Romance’s Comeback Show: “It Really Was A Crazy Night”

“I think they have a really beautiful sense of where they came from and what it means to them to be artists”

If you didn’t already know, Thursday and My Chemical Romance go waaaaaay back.

Frontman Geoff Rickly even produced the band’s debut ‘I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love’!

Well it only seemed right that when MCR came back properly at their incredible show at The Shrine in LA, Thursday were the only band who should be opening. 

In our latest Video Call, we asked Geoff what it was like to be a part of that special night:

“It really was a crazy night. Being asked to play it first of all was so touching because one thing about the My Chemical Romance guys is that they’re still in a lot of ways the same people as when we worked on that first record and when we first became friends. They’re more confident as artists now and that’s great, but just the fact that they never forget stuff. Like ‘Oh, you’re the one who helped us get started so we want you to be a part of us restarting’. I think they have a really beautiful sense of where they came from and what it means to them to be artists. To be arguably the biggest band in the world and still operate like a small mom and pop local business or something. I really appreciate that about them.

“The night itself was pretty crazy. I hadn’t seen them in like a decade or something and I wanted to see them more than I wanted to play, which makes it weird too. There’s this huge crowd there, the biggest crowd we’ve played to all year, and they’re not there to be won over. They’re there to get to the main event. It wasn’t like ‘Let’s go give it our all and earn a bunch of new fans’. It was ‘we’re here to do our part and we’re here to watch My Chem’.”

Incredible. You can catch up with the full chat right here:

Fancy getting your hands on some new MCR merch? Our mates at Impericon have you covered. This shirt can be picked up from right HERE


via:: Rock Sound News