Trophy Eyes Have Announced The Departure Of Guitarist Kevin Cross

He’ll be playing with Trophy Eyes for the last time at upcoming Australian festival Splendour In The Grass.

Trophy Eyes have announced the departure of their guitarist Kevin Cross, who will be leaving the band following one final performance at Australian festival Splendour In The Grass.

In a statement posted by the band on Facebook, Trophy Eyes shared an emotional farewell to their bandmate, saying “we will miss you more than we have words to tell, Kevin”.

Read their statement in full below:
“Our dear friend Kevin will play his last show with Trophy Eyes at Splendour In The Grass this Saturday.

One minute you’re in an apartment, writing music together and trying to show the world what your souls sounds like. And the next, 6 years have passed, you’ve seen the world, you’ve lived, lost and loved, and grown in to someone your old self would barely even recognise. Through all the hard times; sleeping in the dirt on the side of the road, stealing from service stations to eat, 20 hour drives, parking lot fights, missed weddings and funerals, soul crushing winters and genuine home sick tears- you were there. Our light. Our happiness. What a crazy life we live. What a cruel and beautiful ride it has been. We will miss you more than we have words to tell, Kevin.

Touch the sun, mate.”

Additionally, Kevin has shared his own statement on the departure, which you can read in full below:
“This hasn’t been a easy decision but it is time for me to say goodbye to Trophy Eyes. I’ve made the decision to take a different direction in my life and career, also start a family.

I want to say a big thank you to everyone that has supported Trophy Eyes. You all allowed me to see the world and do things I never thought was possible. I’m forever grateful. A big thank you to my Brothers in Trophy Eyes for being so supportive and understanding with this decision. I can’t believe the things we have done it’s truly crazy and I wouldn’t change a thing I love you all so much.

I’ll be sure to come to a show.

This is sad but yet so exciting, it’s finally time to do me. Thank you for the memory’s.

Love Kev xo”

Trophy Eyes are set to play Splendour In The Grass Festival in Australia’s Byron Bay this weekend.

via:: Rock Sound News