WATCH: Against The Current, nothing,nowhere., Knocked Loose and More Play Sets On Minecraft

This is Block By Blockwest.

With live music being at a standstill currently, it’s very much a case of bands finding new ways to play shows. 

Well this past weekend, Block By Blockwest brought bands together for a very special festival on Minecraft. 

The way it worked was bands recorded or sent in live performances to be played through a specially made server and then players were able to attend the show and dance, mosh, watch and hang out to their heart’s content.

Even better, each band had their own characters to stand on stage.

Seriously sick right?

SO here’s Against The Current playing to a packed out room:


Here’s Knocked Loose causing absolute carnage:

Here’s Grandson smashing it:

Here’s Movements from the crowd:

And here’s nothing,nowhere. being nothing short of incredible:

Innovative, interesting and iconic. All the things a good festival should be right?

via:: Rock Sound News