Watch Brockhampton Perform ‘Sugar,’ Freestyle About Bad Jimmy Fallon Movie

Jimmy Kimmel Live! may have gotten most of the late-night attention Thursday night, with a surprise “sermon” by none other than Kanye West. But while Kimmel’s competitor Jimmy Fallon did appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to do a joint comedy bit, Fallon had his own roster of talent on The Tonight Show.

Among them was Brockhampton, the hip-hop group slash “boy band” who performed one of their most boy band-esque tracks, “Sugar,” off their latest album Ginger.

During a sit-down interview with six members of the group, Fallon found himself the butt of the joke when Brockhampton built a freestyle around his very bad 2004 movie Taxi.

Chance the Rapper also appeared on the show Thursday night, gearing up for his weekend musical guest slot on Saturday Night Live. The two of them talked Chance’s excitement over his SNL appearance — something he’s wanted to do “since MC Hammer” — and the rapper told a story of how Kanye tried to join the band at his wedding.

via:: Rolling Stone